Fitness for Life
2 min readFeb 24, 2021

It’s not the freshman 15, It Is now the Quarantine 15

76% of Americans put on weight so you are not alone. A time of uncertainty, stress, boredom, and nerves has caused many people to indulge in comfort food and drink. So, does that mean we should just keep going the way we have been? Let’s change the narrative, looking at this as an opportunity.” Not going to the workplace means there’s no long commute, which makes space for exercising and cooking healthy meals. “While some people. are saying this is the worst thing ever, the other half say, ‘There’s so much I can’t control, I’ll control making a true lifestyle change.’ Control the controllables! We often use the excuse “I don’t have the time” well now we do.

Start the day ready to play, time to INVEST IN YOURSELF. The best advice I can give is to take baby steps and be patient. Start with your diet and make small changes. If you usually have 3 cookies try having only 2 then 1 and eventually replace it with fruit. Don’t ever feel bad or discouraged if you eat something not deemed healthy…so what? Now let’s talk exercise. I’ll share what worked for me. We make it a family affair. I have four children and we all compete and have fun trying to outdo one another in exercises. It not only provides some laughs but keeps us exercising and pushing ourselves. Set realistic goals, if during this pandemic you are limited to at-home activities then maybe jump rope or do a video. Comcast on-demand has great free workout videos, as does youtube which you can access on your phone. There is always a way to get some activity in.